By Liew Zee Peng (4C)
On 1st April 2023, River Valley St. John Brigade went head-to-head against other schools in the annual Southwest District First Aid Competition, held at Bukit Merah Secondary School.
The District First Aid Competition is held to test the cadets’ proficiency in First Aid, Footdrills, Home Nursing and Transport of Casualty.
The Ambulance team performing CPR while waiting for the defibrillator to charge (Pic credits: RV SJB)
The Nursing Team changes the bedsheets for the patient (Pic credits: RV SJB)
We, at River Valley St. John Brigade, are proud to announce the following results:
Nursing Adult (Alpha):
Champion (1st Place)
Best in Footdrills
Best in Home Nursing
Nursing Adult (Bravo):
Second Runner Up (3rd Place)
Best in CPR
Ambulance Adult:
Second Runner Up (3rd Place)
Nursing Cadets:
Second Runner Up (3rd Place)
Ambulance Cadets:
Second Runner Up (3rd Place)
Best in Transport of Casualty
The following are the identities of those involved in this competition. Congrats to all of them!
Nursing Adult (Alpha)
#1: Tan Yi Le Denise (3E)
#2: Kang Ting Rui Vivius (3C)
#3: Lim Shu Xian (3F)
#4: Gwendolyn Sii Rui En (3D)
#5: Kam Wei Ting (3G)
Nursing Adult (Bravo)
#1: Chua Yavy (3J)
#2: Kaelyn Quah Yu Tong (3E)
#3: Amelia Chee En Xi (3E)
#4: Chan Yu Xuan (3D)
#5: Yang Chen Jun (3I)
Ambulance Adult
#1: Chua Ee Han Vilmos (3E)
#2: Jaerio Tan Yu Zhe (3E)
#3: Ang Ian (3G)
#4: Leong Zhen Yu (3A)
#5: Rueben Wong Wai Heng (3C)
Nursing Cadet
#1: Chai Yong Qi (2A)
#2: Cheryl Teo Xin Nin (2H)
#3: Lee Chae Yeon (2A)
#4: Chat Yan Rou (2A)
#5: Ong Ler Yao (2E)
Ambulance Cadet
#1: Liu Le Tian (2D)
#2: Toh Kai Xuen (2I)
#3: Wong Pin Rui (2G)
#4: Lam Jun Le (2I)
#5: Sherman Tan Haridas (2D)
Once again, congratulations to all participating members of this Southwest District First Aid Competition! For the Nursing Adults (Alpha), they look forward to Nationals in the coming weeks, please offer them your utmost support! For the rest, we look forward to the rest of the year, in which we shall continue to improve and advance as one River Valley St. John Brigade!
We shall go again next year, and hope to bring home even more stellar results. Keep it up, RVSJB!